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Read Conard County Marine

Conard County Marine

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Conard County Marine - Plot & Excerpts

She found Glenda looking exhausted from a long night, and Coop, as usual, making breakfast. This morning home fries perfumed the air along with bacon.
“Don’t tell me how bad this food is for me,” Glenda said by way of greeting. “Another night like last night and I may look for a new job. How are you feeling since you saw the doctors?”
“Much better,” Kylie answered truthfully. “Can I help, Coop?”
“Yeah, get some coffee and sit. There’s only room in this kitchen for one cook. Hungry?”
He flashed a smile and turned back to the stove.
“That was some pretty good news yesterday,” Glenda said. “But I have to admit I was surprised myself by how little you remembered of what you’d been told. Kylie, I never dreamed that you thought all your amnesia was due to brain damage.”
“Well, somehow I came to that conclusion.” She looked at Glenda just as Coop was spooning potatoes onto the plates in front of them. “Part of me is thrilled to realize that the memories aren’t permanently gone.

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