Concealed - A Hiding From Love Novel #2 - Plot & Excerpts
The less said, the better. IT’S amazing to me how resilient the human heart really is. We all think if we have a broken heart we’ll curl up in a ball and die. And granted, there are plenty of days when that’s about all I do, but the fact is I haven’t died yet. And nearly two months after I ruined my life with Gabe, I realize I am indeed going to keep on living. My nearly twenty-one-year-old heart is going to keep pumping no matter how much it hurts. Some days I wish that wasn’t the case. The weather is warming rapidly, and as we reach the midpoint in the semester, I start to look for a job. I’ve got two more months of rent from Mom and Dad and then I’m on my own. While I’d like to work someplace that gives me experience in social work or international aid, most of those jobs are volunteer. Given that I’ll be twenty-one soon, I decide waitressing might be the best gig. It’ll get me out of the house in the evenings, give good tips, and let me keep taking classes during the days.
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