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Read Cowboys In Her Pocket

Cowboys In Her Pocket

Online Book

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Cowboys In Her Pocket - Plot & Excerpts

This is one hell of a storm! Dan thought as amidst the downpour, he sawed into the third tree that had fallen over the trail that would lead him back to the ranch and to JJ.
Sure, it wasn’t unusual to come across fallen trees on this particular trail. That’s why he carried the chainsaw, but this was getting damned ridiculous. They made it a point to keep this trail well-groomed because it was the main artery from the north pastures back to the ranch. It appeared they hadn’t done a good enough job. Trail grooming was another thing to add to the long list of things to do before the snow fell again.
But first they needed to get through spring, summer and the autumn. Plenty of time for the work to get done. Another crack of thunder snapped overhead and Dan shook his head. He hoped JJ was doing okay. She wasn’t used to these kinds of storms. Because of the greenhouse effect, the weather up here was getting extreme. Winds were fierce and the storms more intense.
Dan continued to chainsaw and tried like hell to see through the waterfall that flowed off the brim of his cowboy hat.

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