Ingredients: 1 head of red cabbage 1 knife (or blender, or grater) 1 pitcher 1 coffee filter Several clear plastic cups (or beakers) Hot tap water Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3) Vinegar (acetic acid, CH3COOH) Extra credit: Antacids, lemon juice, seltzer water, household ammonia…and anything else you want to try! Directions: Ask an adult for help to chop, grate, or blend the cabbage into very small pieces. Place the cut up pieces in a pitcher and cover just to the top of the cabbage with very hot tap water. Wait at least fifteen minutes for the water to turn pinkish purple. (The longer you wait, the stronger your cabbage juice will be.) Pour some of the juice through the coffee filter into a plastic cup (or beaker). Add a teaspoon of baking soda…then watch what happens! Next, add some vinegar. Can you turn the juice pink again? Get out some more plastic cups and experiment with the rest of the juice and any “extra credit” ingredients you have at home. How many different colors can you make?