Monday’s weather had deteriorated once he'd left the Ml, and dusk combined with an eerie loss of surroundings, had forced his Saab Convertible into second gear. Its fog light suddenly useless. "Damn. Never a Satnav fan, he stopped the car half on to the pavement then consulted his BlackBerry until a map of Briar Bank and its environs swam into view, including Crowmore Lane where Transline, despite his suspicions and subsequent investigation, were still legitimately trading. The screen also showed Ditch Hollow's continuing development. As if there wasn't enough building going on already, he thought, tempted to turn round and head back. But how could he? Rita Martin hadn't written a letter like that for nothing, Four years after meeting him, a relative stranger. As for Briar Bank CID, their promises of action had led nowhere, and would that recent, second Inquest’s Unlawful Killing verdict make any difference to their performance?