This book is amazing! Each page has a short description of how colors can be described in new and different ways. It's pretty much poetry going on here.The illustrations are printed glossy black on the more matte black pages, and you can feel the difference in texture and height. Each page also includes the braile translation of the text.Such a beautiful and amazing book lends itself to one-on-one reading and feeling. How do you explain color to a child who can not see? That is exactly what this unusual and amazing book attempts to do in a way you've never experienced before. Embossed images on black paper allow sighted readers to put themselves in the position of someone who can not see colors and allows the reader to feel the colors. Descriptions of how the colors feel, act and smell along with braille script give the sighted reader insight into how a blind child might experience the colors they can not see. Amazigly done, worth a look and a feel.
Interesting descriptions of color with a page to feel.In braille too.
Ran across this in France- really awesome little book
Excellent! Really unique book.
Very cool textures..