Theo looked up as Neil put a hand on his controller. “I almost had an extra life.” “Be quiet and listen,” Neil hissed. Apparently Jeremy noticed the tension in his brother’s whisper. They both went still. “Mr. White isn’t who you think he is.” “He’s much cooler,” Theo said. He would never have expected all of this stuff, right here in the school. “Who has all this stuff and then shows his students? Who seeks them out after school hours to play games online? It’s creepy. Like he’s trying to set us up. And the scorpion...what does that remind you of?” Recognition dawned. Theo tasted acid in the back of his mouth. “Toxin? The guy my dad’s been hunting?” “Yeah. Miss Sara thinks so.” Jeremy jumped up but Neil restrained him with an arm around his waist. “He killed Dad!” “I know,”