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Read Deadly Dance

Deadly Dance

Online Book

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Deadly Dance - Plot & Excerpts

Simon asked as they sat across from the Twin Pines.
The motel was T-shaped and set off the main highway at an angle. The pine trees that had inspired the name served as a backdrop, making the whole place look appealing from a distance. Unfortunately, close up, the Twin Pines had seen better days. The kind of motel popular half a century ago, it consisted of small attached units, each with its own front porch. Like little log cabins, they were meant to inspire feelings of warmth and comfort. But clearly that was no longer the case.
At the moment, they were waiting for the Camry parked outside the front office to pull away. A woman, dressed in a form-fitting red dress and four-inch, gold stilettos had emerged from a unit in the front about five minutes ago and pulled her car up to the office, conceivably to check out.
“I’m holding up fine,” Hannah said answering Simon’s question with a frown. “What makes you ask?”
“Nothing specific, just that it’s your TA getting the videos.

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