Death Among The Roses: A Melanie Hart Mystery (Melanie Hart Cozy Mysteries Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts
Her face was drawn. Her mouth drooped. It looked as though someone had filled in the area beneath her eyes with charcoal. I slid into the booth opposite her. She offered me a weak smile. “So how was your morning?” she asked. “Have you come down from the high of writing up a murder?” How could I answer that question, I wondered. Finally I decided honesty would work best. I tossed up my hands. “Not guilty. Dad wrote up the murder. He claimed I was too close to the victim to do it.” “You’re kidding?” “Nope, truth be told, at first I felt cheated, but on second thought I don't believe I would have enjoyed working a story up on Gary’s murder. Dad was right. I knew the victim too well. Handling that assignment would have undone me.” "Huh." She shook her head. “I figured you’d be all over that piece.” I plastered a smile on my face.
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