He was years behind others of his age but he was still progressing. While he was gifted, that much was clear, there was something off about him. He tended to be emotional at times. Perhaps it was just his age, at twenty years old he should have been long past the years of having to be taught magic. Yet Khross felt Ramanthus had a good heart, despite the rumors about him. Rumors that he had fallen in love with a brothel whore and that she had a child by him. For the most part, Khross ignored the back alley talk. No matter how others protested, he would not overlook someone with the gift that needed to be molded. Even if he had younger students that were more advanced than Ramanthus. Yes, while he felt that Ramanthus would never achieve any level of greatness he did have it in him to do good work. Minor yet still good work. "Ramanthus boy, I want to ask you a question, think long and hard before you answer." "Very well Master Khross." he said while looking up from his spell book.