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The Passionate Pen

Deceived - Plot & Excerpts

It was returned before Mrs. Westfall said, “Good Lord, you have a shadow beneath your eyes. Are you not sleeping well?”
    Josie groaned. Why did her mother have to notice every dratted thing about her?
    “A gentleman will notice, my dear,” Mrs. Westfall added helpfully.
    Josie smiled up at the servant who set a plate before her and then returned her attention to her mother. “What gentleman? We are in the country. Unless you count the man who runs the country store—”
    “You hush your mouth,” Mrs. Westfall interrupted with a sharp look. “You know I would never mean that.”
    Now Josie’s smile was more real. It was a little fun teasing her mother. “Then I’m not certain which gentleman will notice the lack of sleep on my face.”
    “What about the Woodley men?” her mother pressed.
    At the mention of the family title, Josie’s appetite vanished on the wind.

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