Deep Fried Trouble (Eugeena Patterson Mysteries) - Plot & Excerpts
I told him Cora would. I stared out the passenger window. I’m sure he thought I needed space, but I wanted to be mad with him. Not very reasonable, but I needed someone to be angry with. It was probably a man’s fault that my daughter was out there. Some man named Chris. How is it that I didn’t even know his last name? Nor what he looked like? Then there was that slim chance Leesa was involved in Mary’s death. I refused to believe she was and pounded myself inside for even considering it. I prayed to the Lord that I didn’t have to attend another funeral. Ralph’s been a missing hole in my life I have slowly mended, but one of my children going before me, I couldn’t take the idea. “That man really cares about you.” I turned around to face Cora. “Have you lost your mind? My daughter is Lord knows where and you trying to be a matchmaker?” Cora slapped the steering wheel. “That’s not what I’m trying to do and you know it.
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