Zac’s brother Leon would have known exactly how to get the amphibious submersible started. The entire Power family were spies, but Leon was the techno-geek of the family. But after Zac almost single-handedly completed their Poison Island mission and saved Leon’s life, GIB had decided Zac was ready for his first solo mission. Leon was transferred from Field Agent to Technical Officer. It seemed like the perfect arrangement to both of them. Zac looked at the panel of dials and flashing lights in front of him.There was no simple ‘on’ button, or anywhere obvious to put the ignition key. The briefest doubt flickered through his mind. If he couldn’t even figure out how to pilot an amphibious submersible, was he really ready for a solo mission? But when it came to his talents, Zac never wasted much time doubting himself. Of course he was ready to be a solo spy – even if he was still only 12 years old. Zac fished around in the seat pocket for the instruction manual.There it was – and it was about as thick as his maths textbook!