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Read Defiant Peaks (The Hadrumal Crisis)

Defiant Peaks (The Hadrumal Crisis)

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Defiant Peaks (The Hadrumal Crisis) - Plot & Excerpts

She smiled graciously, nodding with approval at the taproom. ‘My thanks for making us so welcome.’ The tables were draped with white linen and every chair and bench gleamed with diligent polishing. There wasn’t a speck of dust on the floor or a wisp of cobweb amid the rafters. The fire crackling in the hearth had been lit long enough before their arrival to fill the room with welcoming warmth. If time had allowed Zurenne imagined that the walls would have been freshly lime washed, even though the inn wasn’t half a year rebuilt.
‘You honour me, my lady.’ Mistress Rotharle’s eyes still kept darting to the doorway where Kusint and Reven stood.
‘Shall we sit?’ Zurenne tugged at Ilysh’s elbow.
The girl was looking around, making no pretence of hiding her curiosity. In more normal times she would never have set foot inside a common tavern. More than that, as Halferan’s heiress she would have not needed to go in search of a husband. Her visits to the luxurious inns accommodating the nobility on their travels would have been few and far between.

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