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Read Destined To Reign

Destined to Reign

Online Book

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Destined To Reign - Plot & Excerpts

What was David’s secret? What was it about David that God would bless him so much, making him king over all Israel?
I have heard some people say that God called David a man after His own heart because he was quick to repent. However, there were other people in the Bible who were quick to repent, so this would not have set David apart. Moreover, God called David a man after His own heart before he committed his sin with Bathsheba, so it cannot be because of his quick repentance.
David’s secret is the key to the fullness of God’s blessings in your life.
There must be something unique about David which caused him to stand out. Would you like to know what his secret was? I believe with all my heart that this secret is the key to the fullness of God’s blessings in your life.
Turn with me to Psalm 132, where you will find David’s secret. David wrote this psalm when King Saul was hunting him down. Saul was jealous of David and afraid that he would one day become king in his place, so Saul pursued David into the wilderness.

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