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Read Diário Secreto De Uma Mulher (2013)

Diário Secreto de uma Mulher (2013)

Online Book

3.39 of 5 Votes: 1
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Diário Secreto De Uma Mulher (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, we can say that is as it is billed, 'a real life Fifty Shades' and get away with it because there is no real discerning plotline as such and just a bunch of very graphic and brutal sex scenes (nothing wrong with that and in fact I picked up a few bondage tips) and not a great deal else until you get to the end and there is a bit of a love interest angle finally. Its also similar to Fifty Shades in that she has a word she likes to use over and over again. This being: incongruously. It's a good old romp though and entertaining for the pervs out there. Will definitely read the second one at some point. On the whole, I was disappointed by this book. It was well-written and might have been enjoyable if not for the misleading synopsis. The book bills itself as a true life 50 Shades of Grey, and even though I have no intention of reads 50 Shades, reading a romance of the same ilk intrigued me. This wasn't that book, though. This was more a look into the mind of someone with who likes BDSM rather than a BDSM romance. I feel that many others who read this book and didn't like it, were angry about the bait and switch. You can't have a cover that reminds people of Twilight and not call it a bait. A more honest cover and synopsis wouldn't have gotten the book the same attention, but it might have led to a better review from me.

What do You think about Diário Secreto De Uma Mulher (2013)?

Barely ok, don't understand the girl and her feelings,

c'hai provato.

kinda boring

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