'Stop asking stupid questions and do like I fucking told you! There isn't much time.' A bolt of lightning speared the sky outside the antechamber and she was briefly captured in the blue-white brilliance of its aftermath. Helena got a microsecond to see the redhead properly and it was sufficient time to make her realise she was dealing with a woman who couldn't be ignored. The image of her figure lingered on Helena's retina long after the night's darkness had returned. Every time she blinked she could see her naked body, the massive breasts glistening with diamonds of sweat, and the fiery tresses clinging lankly to her scalp and shoulders. The vision had such clarity Helena could make out every link on the chains connecting Rachel's intimate piercings. 'Are you going to do it?' Rachel demanded. 'Are you going to do like I asked?' Helena recoiled from the anger in her voice. She didn't want to incur the redhead's wrath but she knew, if she were to do as Rachel wanted, it would be in direct violation of Master Vince's instructions.