15. The river was just as beautiful as every other time I had been here, although today the water seemed a little clearer, the trees hanging over its banks just a little more majestic. I knew Robert was responsible for making me see everything through rose tinted glasses today, his ecstatic mood was definitely rubbing off. He had slung me on his back this time, on our race from the top field, talking to me over his shoulder the entire way. I hadn’t made much conversation, it took all my will power not to turn into a quivering mess. I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to come to terms with traveling like that. Lying back on the small sandy bank, stretching out and closing my eyes, I let the sun hit me full on. “I love the sun.” I sighed, opening my eyes as a shadow fell across the light. Robert had stripped off his shirt and was standing in only jeans before me. His body was incredible, toned and tanned and absolutely breath taking, the sun made the edges of him glow, my heart began to speed.