Dragon Claiming (Year Of The Dragon) - Plot & Excerpts
She'd always envisioned a wedding with all the finery. But that was when she’d planned on being mated to a human. Now it all seemed trivial; her mating today would be unlike any she could have ever foreseen. The only thing that mattered was seducing her dragon protector into giving himself to her. His reluctance was palpable, but she was determined to push through. He wanted her—she could feel it down to her soul. Yet for some reason he was holding back. In her mind, she'd made the same commitment to him the second she'd climbed onto his back. Once she started down a path, Sippora always finished it. Looking around the room, she realized he had exotic tastes. There were things in the room that were obviously sexual in nature, but she had no idea what they were used for. She’d never known of anyone who had ever been taken by a dragon protector; she’d never even heard of such a thing. For reasons that were known only to Fate, Sippora accepted it, though, accepted that she was his.
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