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Read Drogoya: Book 3 Circles Of Light Series

Drogoya: Book 3 Circles of Light series

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Drogoya: Book 3 Circles Of Light Series - Plot & Excerpts

It had been his favourite occupation for centuries. He had found many likely places but had been unable to do more than note their locations. Now, his strength was no longer needed to keep in contact with the Void and he could do more. With the added strength of Grek and D’Lah, he could do very much more. And of course, there was Rashpil. Cho Petak had not bothered to try to find him yet. He suspected Rashpil was in the Night Lands, but for now that was not an important matter.
The air on the other side of his work table quivered and Cho raised his eyes. Flames flickered within them as he studied the air.
‘You wish to speak to me Rhaki?’ His tone was cool. He wondered whether it might not be time to force D’Lah to untangle his mind from this Rhaki after all. There was an arrogance in Rhaki that had not been obvious in D’Lah. But D’Lah had perhaps spent too long with just the one host, and his soul was so tightly entwined now with Rhaki’s, that Cho was not entirely sure he could separate them.

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