"I understand you two had a rough time last night?" Mr. Li answered for us, which I was glad of. The last person in the universe I wanted to admit a weeping fit to was Uncle Rapput, though I wasn't quite sure why. "It was separation anxiety, sir," he explained. "This is commonplace among our young under far less stressful circumstances than these. Indeed, further bouts are to be expected. Thank you for allowing them to sleep in." The big alien nodded. "Our own youngsters are vulnerable to the same sorts of developmental issues, though mostly among the lower clans." He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "In a way, I suppose what we're doing here might even be seen by some who don’t understand the grand plan for the greater good as capricious, or perhaps even cruel." He frowned. "You have my standing permission to excuse them from family meals and other such activities, Li, whenever you feel they're not up to it. At least for the first few months. We'll revisit the issue if this privilege is employed to excess." Li bowed.