Victoria hadn’t been sure until she got back to the motel what she was going to do. But once in her depressing, pine scented, generic motel room with its suspect flowered bedspreads and paper thin towels, Victoria knew the answer. None of this was her life. The motel, Resort City, or Shane and Lucas. She couldn’t stay. It wasn’t her home. And the boys? While the sex was something she would never forget, Victoria knew she couldn’t allow herself to get any more attached. It was business. Sex was lust and lust never lasted. Salvatore raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You no like my motel?” “It’s truly indescribably lovely but I have to go home.” Sometimes distance was the best thing. In Australia she would forget all about what happened in Resort City. Possibly. Anyway, that was the plan. “You go home to the kangaroos?” What is it with other nationalities thinking we own roos? “Yep, that’s right. They need feeding.” “You ever ride in their pouch?” Salvatore leaned on the counter and gazed at her.