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Read Enemies At The Altar (2012)

Enemies at the Altar (2012)

Online Book

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Enemies At The Altar (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Whether it was for the benefit of any lurking press, or whether it was because he had taken on board her attempt to apologise for her behaviour all those years ago was still open to question.
Andreas had explained on the way in the car from Marseille that the chateau had been in his mother, Evaline’s, family for generations, but since his uncle Jules had died some years ago without leaving an heir, the place had been left to Andreas’s father in Evaline’s will.
Although he didn’t say anything specific, Sienna could tell Andreas was intensely frustrated that his mother hadn’t changed her will before she’d died. Sienna knew for a fact that Evaline had found out about Guido’s affair with Sienna’s mother Nell several weeks before her death, but she had been desperately ill with aggressive rounds of chemotherapy. Sienna suspected Evaline hadn’t had the energy or wherewithal to correct things before it was too late. She also suspected Evaline had been hopeful that her husband’s affair was just a one-off thing that would soon pass.

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