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Read Fables Of The Reconstruction (2012)

Fables of the Reconstruction (2012)

Online Book

4.29 of 5 Votes: 5
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Ra Jones Publishing

Fables Of The Reconstruction (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

If you're in the mood for truly almost nothing but sex and a ton of winking then this is your book.There is a plot here where zombies are mentally mixed with dracula, but it didn't do enough to distract me from the repetitive winking. This is no joke, a character winks every single page, sometimes more than once.The writing style and nice descriptions of the sex scenes were nice and they hint that there may be a better tale from the author, but this is not it. I wanted to like this book, but for a novella of 56 pages, it was all over the place. Zombies in London made like an Ann Rice vampire, only they eat brains, not blood. The switching of Polly's speaking from using "me thinks" to "my dress" was inconsistent to her speech patterns. I am an over used word nazi and if there was ONE more *wink*, I was going to put it down. And then the whole person who everything was blamed on...really? It felt like the author took some of this, some of that, and mashed it all together. And the ending made very little sense, though I got it.Weird book.

What do You think about Fables Of The Reconstruction (2012)?

This story is really trippy, time travel erotic steampunk. Just an OMG!

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