Fables is a comic book series that follows the lives of several different fairytale characters including Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf. The series takes place after the characters have taken refuge in New York City, because an evil villain named the Adversary has taken over their kingdoms in their homelands.I love this series so much. After I checked the books out from the library, I started purchasing all of the volumes and adding the new issues to my pull list at my local comic book store. I am emotionally committed to these characters. I tried watching Once Upon a Time, but I found it a bit too silly. Fables is what Once Upon a Time strives to be. The series does a good job of balancing humor with darker tales. I will admit, however, that the last few arcs have been a bit dark. There are less than ten issues left at this point, and I am worried about whether my beloved characters are going to find their happily ever afters.I have loved every volume of this series except for the Fables-Jack of Fables crossover arc. I recommend this series to everyone I meet. Fables needs to buckle down and focus. I know the cast and scope have grown much larger than that of most epic fantasy series, but we need to zoom in on a few characters at a time and tell their tales in manageable narrative threads.The main "focus" of this volume is choosing a new North Wind from among the cubs. This isn't the best story that Fables has told, and it is constantly interrupted by several side stories for a few pages at a time. We weren't allowed to follow one thread for any true length of time before darting on to something else. It felt like reading the graphic novel equivalent of a professionally shot concert: beautifully shot, your favorites are here, but the cameraman and editor can't decide what to look at or for how long.
What do You think about Fables, Vol. 17: Inherit The Wind (2012)?
This volume broke my heart.I am not looking forward to the fulfillment of certain prophecies..
Oh dude, you really know how to torture people with cliff hangers don't you?
What happened to the Bufkin that I used to know?