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Fade To Midnight (2010)

Online Book

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0758228651 (ISBN13: 9780758228659)

Fade To Midnight (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Where the fuck was the reunion I've been waiting six books for. They meet in a shootout, then he went off with his brother's to save the day. We get a few words, but damn nothing happy/sappy really about it. It all just seemed really cold especially for them finding the brother who has been missing and presumed dead for freaking eighteen years. What a letdown! I so excepted more in a book that was 400+ pages. Could have a at least added another chapter there at the end with them all together. ALMOST LIKE WATCHING A LONG, IMPROBABLE DUKES OF HAZARD EPISODE.So Kev McCloud finally got his book. What a ride this one was. In many ways a fitting end to the series and in some ways this story showcased how long in the tooth the series was becoming. This was totally Kev's book, thankfuly, the author did not clog it up with too many cut aways to the grieving brothers, but I felt she used Sean and his long suffering stance of "I know he's alive, I feel it in me bones" well and heck Liv was a total hoot. I was a bit sorry to not have seen more of the wives of the other brothers but trust me that when Liv (Sean's wife) make her appearance she holds it up for the rest of the estrogen troop.The thing with this series and this author is that it's all sort of a one trick pony by saying that I mean there is a lot of isolation, on the run and filthy grubbiness (for once why can't we escape from the evil-doers in style for pete's sake) big guns, slapping, drooling and horrible, horrible bad guys. However with this story the 2 bad guys were more Abbott & Costello that bad guys with any real teeth. By 1/2 way through the book their plans for world domination was silly and filled with ineptitudes and the trail of bodies left along the roadsides, forest lanes, driveways, buildings and the freezer was too unrealistic. The poor po-dunk cops are gonna take a big hit in this town when it becomes clear that so much was going on under their noses that good old fashioned police work coulda solved.But the focal point as ever is the McCloud man and men. Kevin was actually very likeable and I sorta really loved the way he approached Edie for the first time. However he then went from shy, uncertain, scarred semi-amnesiac to a freakin millionaire, Rambo, Dirk Diggler... I couldn't upshift so fast.Then when it becomes clear that the other McCloud boys have found their lost brother, the fur and bullets fly. At certain points it was soooo yahooo, giddyap, soildier up, ride-or die I just could not stop envisioning those old Dukes of Hazard episodes where they blow up Boss Hog's latest contraption and get away by sliding across the hood of the General Lee hollering loudly in the night and whizzing past bullets with Boss Hog waving his fists in the air and screaming "I'll git them Duke boys"!!Maybe I have O-D'd on too much x-cog myself but I am really happy this series is ended, I enjoyed the book but I am waiting to see what next adventure Ms. McKenna can create and hope there is a bit more versatility in her bag of tricks.

What do You think about Fade To Midnight (2010)?

My God! this was one crazy-ass book.loved it but omg. . . there was just too much going.

Awesome book! I was just psyched that the brothers finally reunited.

Kev and Edie.

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