Robert sat in their new home. They were working together, and for now, it made sense for them to live together. Wilhelm paid for the house, gifting it to Robert, with the intention of it going to both Robert and Liz as soon as Robert asked Liz to marry him. Wilhelm and Tremaine both gave him permission to propose to Liz. Now he needed the guts to ask her. She burst through the door, her eyes locking on his. “Can you believe they made us a team?” Liz asked with a bright smile. She plopped down on the couch next to him. “A real team, and we have a place to call home” Robert smiled back, but he wasn’t happy. The assignment was perfect. The why, not at all. He still couldn’t believe that Maynard Fanning told him he needed to keep an eye on Liz to make sure she didn’t go rogue. After all their hard work, they still thought so poorly of her. He didn’t understand. Preston stopped at the bar and grabbed a bottle of scotch. “I propose a toast.” He lined up three glasses and poured a couple fingers in each.