This time, they had to walk across the runway to the plane. That made the twins wonder if there was something else wrong. Or maybe they’d replaced the plane? On the windy runway, the plane waited like a noisy, silver bird. Men were loading bags. The wind blew so hard that Amy’s black hair covered her face. So did Christopher’s. Ahead of them The Mouth climbed the stairs leading to the plane. He had walked fast to get ahead of them. The thin-faced woman with dark glasses walked past too. Rose was waiting for the twins at the bottom of the stairs. ‘Up the stairs,’ said Rose. ‘We’ll find your seats 13 C and D.’ A sudden gust of wind tore at the dress of the big woman on the steps ahead of them. Her dress blew up over Amy’s face. Quickly the woman pulled it down and re-arranged the big heavy coat she was carrying on her arm. Amy pulled herself out from underneath and grinned at the woman.