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Read Feel The Heat (Hot In The Kitchen)

Feel the Heat (Hot In the Kitchen)

Online Book

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Grand Central Publishing

Feel The Heat (Hot In The Kitchen) - Plot & Excerpts

This page Gina created has almost nineteen thousand fans and it’s gaining every hour. Don’t shy away from this. You should be embracing how freaking gorgeous you are.” He turned on the DeLuca smile that looked ten times better on the males in the family. “Just sayin’. And anyone’s better than Marco Rossi.” “You don’t like Marco because he’s fond of helping himself to your precious…” She waved around the space her ex considered his personal wine supply, much to Tad’s chagrin. “I don’t like him because he never treated you the way you deserved. All that crap about how cuddly you were and how he loved having something to hold on to. Asshole.” Tad’s mouth was set in a grim slash. Always indefatigably good-humored, it was a shock to see him as anything else. Marco’s careless “compliments” had wounded, but Lili had always considered them the necessary trade-off in dating a hottie. Now she wondered if she’d been selling herself short all these years. “He lives thousands of miles away,”

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