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Read Flash Gordon 5 - The Witch Queen Of Mongo

Flash Gordon 5 - The Witch Queen of Mongo

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Avon Books

Flash Gordon 5 - The Witch Queen Of Mongo - Plot & Excerpts

When Mongo’s crust had first formed many millions of years ago, subterranean gasses had erupted, blowing out mountains and hills among the oceans and seas that had formerly made up the entire surface of the planet.
    A great part of the core of Mongo had been formed of a type of petroleum mass similar to Earth’s oil, and it was this enormous deposit that had caught on fire during the eruptive process of the planet and burned out through the vents and fissures caused by the eruption of the volcanic pustules.
    Eventually this enormous inner conflagration had burned itself out, leaving a tremendous area in the middle of the planet without any sign of vegetation or life even though it was all empty space. The giant chamber was reached through the vents and fissures caused by escaping gasses from the fire that had formed the inner endoglobe, called the Caverna Gigantea by scientists when it was discovered.
    Sunlight penetrated the inner chambers of this vast area only in refracted or re-refracted rays, which made their way to the inside with only a trace of their original illumination intact.

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