More booby-traps and slapstick ensues.
Also shot at this location: Home Alone.
Frank wasn’t looking forward to a second day on his own in the house. The novelty had worn off pretty quickly. Beth left a sandwich in the fridge again and gave him the same instructions as the day before. She told him to use the sunscreen if he sat outside and to try not to lock himself out. As soon as he was alone the telephone rang. It was a different man asking the same questions as the day before but Frank wasn’t in the mood today and he put the phone down while the man was still talking. Why had no one rung when Beth or Laura had been in the house? It was as though they knew when he was alone.
Frank switched the TV on and started going through the channels but couldn’t settle on anything. He felt restless. He thought that he was wasting his holiday by sitting indoors. He was in California and the sun was shining and it was hot enough to grow oranges. In a few days he’d be in England where it would be raining and everything was imported.