CAM!Review for audiobook:Ok... so glad Cam got his own book... YES! Now the first book in this series with Lucian is just skip it... But the books with Ian and Francesca are pretty darn good.. In book 3, Ian finds out about Cam, his brother from another mother... (same daddy)... but...
Very swoonworthy, HONEST, and not-your-typical-BDSM-billionaire male MC. If he were to exist in real life, I would like to know him, befriend him, poke fun good-naturedly over his adorable, quirk, no-nonsense ways, and yes, selfishly I'd like him for myself ;DBlah female MC. If she were to exist ...
This was a cracking read - it had an exciting plot full of intrigue and some drama with plenty of sizzling hot sex scenes. Beth Kerry is such a good writer - you don't get the same old tired phrases wheeled out repeatedly in this but rather original observations beautifully written. Loved the end...
3.5* Intriguing yet completely unrealistic for both the story and the characters. The only thing that got me going was the writing which isn't bad at all. The characters are ridiculous really, if Ian wasn't a millionaire, no woman would touch him with a barge pole, let alone forgive him so easily...
I had to be patient and allow Kery to unravel this multilevel story. The relationship between Ian and Francesca was tried by external circumstances which slowly became internal. Yet, despite it all and then some Kery weaves some very explosive and emotionally intense intimate scenes. This story w...
Auf dieses Buch bin ich rein zufällig beim Surfen im Internet gestoßen. Ich danke dem blanvalet Verlag, dass ich mich von diesem Buch selbst überzeugen durfte! Ich merke an, dass diese Rezension nicht ganz jugendfrei ist! Wer also mit dem Thema "Erotik" nicht offen umgeht, der hier nicht weiterle...
So, this book is not bad. Too bad.It kept me interested so it will get 3 stars. Now, when I think what to write about positive sides...I can't think of any. I'll just comment on few things that bothered me.- it is clearly a rip off of 50 shades of grey. There's a female student, nothing special ...
Bintang 3Because You Are Mine #1.Baca kisah ini sudah tiga kali tapi masih tetap tak dapat menangkap chemistry perasaan Ian dan Fransesca sepanjang lebih dari separuh cerita. Yg dapat kupahami yaitu mereka ini hanyalah pasangan sado-masokis tanpa sedikitpun rasa saling cinta (walau Fransesca nya...
Mmm... Esta trilogía me torturó porque cuando empecé a leer el de "Cuando estoy contigo" no sabía que se trataba de la historia de Lucien así que cuando me enteré, estuve tentada a saltármela porque la relación de Ian y Francesca me tenía demasiado picada. TERMINÉ POR NO LEERLO. Punto. Es que NEC...
So lets get the Fifty Shades comparisons out of the way - this book is infinitely better, mostly because I didn't want to stab the main characters in the eye with a fork. Francesca actually has a backbone, and Ian was just an all round nicer person than Christian. (Although I'm still struggling t...