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Read Series: Demon Princess

by Author Michelle Rowen


Reign Fall (2012)

I really enjoyed this book but there were some BIG flaws that made this the weakest book in the series so far. The main issues were with the characters. So many times Nikki was REALLY stupid and considering she isn't a stupid character on the whole this really annoyed me. Melinda was also quite i...

Reign Fall (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Reign Check (2010)

I am a little more than halfway done with this book and so far I think the best one in the series was hands down the first one. In the second book Nikki is trying to survive high school, friends, family, and learn how to control her inner half-demon. At the start of school word is going around th...

Reign Check (2010) by Michelle Rowen

Reign or Shine (2009)

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much lately. I’ve been busy working and READING. I read three books last week. I get in a cycles where I read nonstop and do almost nothing else. It’s not good for my waistline but still worth it.I read this book in one day after a ten year old I know just fin...

Reign or Shine (2009) by Michelle Rowen