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Read Reign Fall (2012)

Reign Fall (2012)

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0987687611 (ISBN13: 9780987687616)

Reign Fall (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I really enjoyed this book but there were some BIG flaws that made this the weakest book in the series so far. The main issues were with the characters. So many times Nikki was REALLY stupid and considering she isn't a stupid character on the whole this really annoyed me. Melinda was also quite infuriating, yes she reacted for the most part in a realistic way but holey crap she needed to just be quiet most of the times she opened her mouth! I also had issues with both Rhys and Michael. It was basically the same reason, they were both SO CRAZY AND ANNOYING WHEN IT CAME TO NIKKI! yes they are in love but wow they went SO FAR overboard that it just annoyed me.The best part about this book for me was DEFINITELY Chris on the whole and Nikki's interactions with him. I loved the dragon thing and he showed that he wasn't the heartless asshole we all thought he was and Nikki showed that even after being scorned she ca show compassion when it is justified and needed. I LOVE CHRIS!!!!!Overall i did like this book though, i didn't want to put it down and it was engaging. The plot and storytelling were great and for the most part the characters were likable(eve with their flaws).I give this book a 8/10 and i will be reading the last book as the ending of this book was a highlight and really set up the next book to be GREAT!!! *may contain spoilersI've had the first book of this series for about 4 years now. when I read the first book I thought it was really good, but it wasn't a book that I was like omg I have to get the next book or I'll die. i never thought about reading the next books in the series but yesterday I decided to. I read the 2nd and 3rd book in the series all yesterday and when I realised the 4th book wasn't out yet I did almost died. i am now totally a fan of these books. I especially love this third book! all these twists happen and I don't expect anything and I love that! I mean who would've expected a prophecy saying Nikki and Rhys are going to be married? that Michael would become very dangerous and powerful? Nikki's best friend would be a demon slayer? or that Chris nikkis ex is a dragon Oracle?okay let's talk about this little love triangle thing that's going on. Michael is a shadow who is the servant to the demon princess Nikki but they really do like each other in a romantic way even though its forbidden. the forbidden bit makes it sad but also exciting to see what they will do about it. in the first book I loved michael I thought he was perfect for Nikki and her to him. but now with everything happening to Michael and Rhys I'm losing interest in Michael and loving rhys. Rhys wow swoon. I wasn't a big fan of him on the first book when he threatened Nikki, I thought he was some stupid snob faery king but I was very wrong. Rhys I now think is this amazing guy that became king because his parents were murdered. he wants to explore the human world and live in it for a while. he hates Nikki because she's a demon well a half-demon but only becuase he thought it was a demon that murdered his parents but later finds out it was a shadow. Rhys goes to an Oracle dragon to see who he will marry and finds out its Nikki and doesn't like that news. he tells Nikki and she insists it must be wrong which is what Rhys says. Rhys gets to know Nikki better and ends up wanting her but Nikki likes Michael. Rhys and Nikki kiss at a party and then later at the end of this book. they both feel a connection but Nikki won't admit it. Rhys wants Nikki to be with him and not Michael who is now turning dangerous. I just have to say team Rhys all the way! I really do believe Nikki and Rhys should be together just like the prophecy says.if you haven't read this book read it now you'll fall in love!

What do You think about Reign Fall (2012)?

Series keeps on getting better. Waiting for the final instalment in 2014.

Mmm I think I am in love with Rhys...

Rhys is absolutely great

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