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Read Series: Worldwalker Duology

by Author C.E. Murphy


Wayfinder (2011)

I received this as an ARC through the LibraryThing Early Reviewer Program.[return][return]One of my complaints about the first book in this series, TRUTH SEEKER, is that it ended on a major cliffhanger. The good news is that the second book begins right at that point and the action is intense. La...

Wayfinder (2011) by C.E. Murphy

Tragač za istinom (2012)

This was a good book. Lara, the heroine, always knows a lie when she hears it. She is asked by an Elvin prince to travel to his world and help him find his brothers murderer. To find the person who is lying. The book is fast pasted, with strong characters. I liked the banter and I liked how the a...

Tragač za istinom (2012) by C.E. Murphy

Truthseeker (2010)

I've generally been willing to read anything C.E. Murphy puts out, sight unseen, and I have yet to be let down. I still prefer her main series, The Walker Papers, but Truthseeker continues that trend. Lara is an interesting, human character, shaped by her nascent truthseeking powers in interestin...

Truthseeker (2010) by C.E. Murphy