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C.E. Murphy books

C.E. Murphy
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Read Books by C.E. Murphy


Spirit Dances (2011)

There wasn't anything particularly wrong with this book, but I just never got into it. The characters were all the same as they always were, and the story while different was along the same lines of the other books in the series. Perhaps that was the problem, everything was almost the same as t...

Spirit Dances (2011) by C.E. Murphy

Demon Hunts (2010)

Demon Hunts is the fifth book in the Walker Papers series featuring Joanne Walker, reluctant shaman and Seattle police detective. Murphy delivers a great addition to the series, my favourite so far. The story weaves together the legend of the wendigo and shamanic mythology to create a fast-pace...

Demon Hunts (2010) by C.E. Murphy

Raven Calls (2000)

The whirlwind pace is getting bit thick. Please, lady, stop to eat and sleep just once. The "I'll fly by the seat of my pants 'cuz that always works out for me, nevermind all the collateral damage to people around me" philosophy is getting a little old by book 7, too. Hasn't she really figured...

Raven Calls (2000) by C.E. Murphy

Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013)

I thought this was the last of the Walker Paper instalments, but it looks like there's still one more to go - YAY! I totally was not ready to leave the world of Jo, Gary, Morrison and the general Urban Shamanverse.This instalment had Jo going back to her Cherokee roots (physically, spiritually a...

Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013) by C.E. Murphy

Mountain Echoes (2013)

OK my inner 80's kid was jumping up and down repeatedly. TMNT, Chitty, HP, all in one book!?! One word. PERFECTION!THIS IS THE BOOK I have been waiting for! This was such a wonderful read. This book has everything I could have possibly wanted, mini squee moments, and a few laugh out loud parts to...

Mountain Echoes (2013) by C.E. Murphy

Hands of Flame (2008)

This was such an explosive ending to the trilogy. There are so many unanswered questions though! I'm almost hoping that C.E. Murphy will change her mind and make this into a Quartet. Chelsea Huo? Sarah Hopkins? There are so many things that can be followed up on... especially things that were rev...

Hands of Flame (2008) by C.E. Murphy

Truthseeker (2010)

I've generally been willing to read anything C.E. Murphy puts out, sight unseen, and I have yet to be let down. I still prefer her main series, The Walker Papers, but Truthseeker continues that trend. Lara is an interesting, human character, shaped by her nascent truthseeking powers in interestin...

Truthseeker (2010) by C.E. Murphy

Tragač za istinom (2012)

This was a good book. Lara, the heroine, always knows a lie when she hears it. She is asked by an Elvin prince to travel to his world and help him find his brothers murderer. To find the person who is lying. The book is fast pasted, with strong characters. I liked the banter and I liked how the a...

Tragač za istinom (2012) by C.E. Murphy

Spirit Dances (Luna) (2013)

So much better than past books... Really good one, back to the exploration of important character development.

Spirit Dances (Luna) (2013) by C.E. Murphy

Easy Pickings (2000)

I had read the Walker Papers series (through book 8), but none of the Jane Yellowrock books prior to reading this. CE Murphy points out in the intro material that this should be read after Mountain Echoes (book 8) rather than following Spirit Dances (book 6) where it falls by publication date. ...

Easy Pickings (2000) by C.E. Murphy

Shaman Rises (2014)

The Shaman thing still annoys, but I so like the way she thinks. She takes the options available to her even if they aren't pleasant.All the "we're behind you, dear" and "we'll be the hero's side-kicks" is bothersome. And her man stands by as she does all this metaphysical stuff. Be manly!But ...

Shaman Rises (2014) by C.E. Murphy

Wayfinder (2011)

I received this as an ARC through the LibraryThing Early Reviewer Program.[return][return]One of my complaints about the first book in this series, TRUTH SEEKER, is that it ended on a major cliffhanger. The good news is that the second book begins right at that point and the action is intense. La...

Wayfinder (2011) by C.E. Murphy

No Dominion (2013)

This is not a standalone story and should only be read for best enjoyment after books 1 - 7 of the Walker papers has been read. This story is Gary's side trip in Raven Calls. I had trepdition in reading it, because Gary is one of the most beloved side characters ever and reading of his loss an...

No Dominion (2013) by C.E. Murphy

Shaman Rises (The Walker Papers)

The vortex howled delight and tried to seize me. Swearing, I dug my fingers into Annie’s cocoon and hauled myself closer to it. Her lashes untangled, revealing eyes that were vividly green in the cocoon’s light. I wondered what color they were supposed to be and muttered, “There are. No. Vampires...

Shaman Rises (The Walker Papers) by C.E. Murphy

Mountain Echoes (The Walker Papers)

No matter what was happening, I simply could not get there fast enough. I could not throw magic that far, not without at least being able to see my target. I could not do less than try. I whispered, “Renee,” aloud, and for the first time tried to trigger time-shift magic on purpose. I had done it...

Mountain Echoes (The Walker Papers) by C.E. Murphy

Urban Shaman

For one, I’m not Catholic. For two, the whole idea of being absolved of your sins by telling a priest about them has always struck me as a little strange, probably because I’m not Catholic.On the other hand, a priest isn’t allowed to call up the loony bin and have you committed after you tell him...

Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy

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