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Read Wayfinder (2011)

Wayfinder (2011)

Online Book

3.64 of 5 Votes: 2
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0345516079 (ISBN13: 9780345516077)
Del Rey

Wayfinder (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

I received this as an ARC through the LibraryThing Early Reviewer Program.[return][return]One of my complaints about the first book in this series, TRUTH SEEKER, is that it ended on a major cliffhanger. The good news is that the second book begins right at that point and the action is intense. Lara Jansen used to be a high-end tailor in Boston. However, she has always had an uncanny knack for discerning the truth. That ability gets her into trouble when an exiled Elven prince recognizes her as a truth seeker and begs her to return to the Barrow-lands to solve his brother's murder. Things don't go well. According to prophecy, the truth seeker is also the world breaker. Endless warfare between the seelie and unseelie has already driven their realms to ruin, and now Earth is suffering as well. It's up to Lara to figure out how the world breaker can become the world's healer as well.[return][return]This book is a fast read. However, I have to repeat my opinion from my review of the first book: this series is nowhere near as good as Murphy's Walker Papers series. The intensity and chemistry just isn't there. There were also some bothersome plot holes, like how why Halfgar went to the Drowned Lands at all, how Daffyd ended up in a particular place there, and how Merrick manages to fool everyone even though it's known that his power is air and can extend to illusions. Lara is in some ways too gifted and things just happen to fall into her lap at times. That said, it's still a fun read. The action is pretty consistent and I like Daffyd as a romantic lead, though I never felt he had a chance to develop much in this book. [return][return]One of the strongest aspects of this duology is the idea of truth as a sort of magic, and how it can be manipulated through white lies and expectations. That created some brilliant plot twists and I especially like how the truth is akin to beautiful music and lies are discordant notes. I enjoyed reading the first in the Worldwalker duology, but I liked Wayfinder even better. The plot was well-paced and I found I liked the characters better this time around because we get more back story. My favorite aspect was how the characters traveled between worlds and how the time difference made for some interesting plot directions. The conclusion was satisfying and the twist at the end gave insight into a character I couldn't connect with before. My only complaint is the is the role of one of the villains. I would've liked to have been shown his motivations instead of told them. Nonetheless, stories about the Fae are some of my favorites to read and Murphy does a great job with her world building and characterization. Recommend.

What do You think about Wayfinder (2011)?

I think perhaps this rating is more for the duology as a whole than for this book itself.

It was slightly better than Truthseeker, but I couldn't give 3.5.

What a page turner! I enjoyed this first read! Would recommend.

Loved this series!

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