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Read Tragač Za Istinom (2012)

Tragač za istinom (2012)

Online Book

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Tragač Za Istinom (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This was a good book. Lara, the heroine, always knows a lie when she hears it. She is asked by an Elvin prince to travel to his world and help him find his brothers murderer. To find the person who is lying. The book is fast pasted, with strong characters. I liked the banter and I liked how the author kept bring in all of the little lies we tell everyday. Pointing out how metephores could be considered a lie. We are not really as fast as a rabbit, the night is rarely as dark as a tomb. What happens when a person who hears that hears the lie and not the meaning. Lara has always had the ability to tell when someone is lying. This has always made her life more challenging than easy. Then she meets David. He reveals that he is a prince from Faerie and he has been searching for someone with her ability for almost 100 years. He sounds crazy but Lara knows he is telling the truth. He asks her to come to Faerie and help prove that he did not murder his brother. Because time moves differently in Faerie it should only take the equivalent of one night on Earth. She agrees and gets the adventure of a lifetime.[return][return]This was a fun read. Lara’s ability was interesting and I really like how it was developed throughout the story. There is a little bit of romance, but nothing too steamy as Lara gets most of the screen time and everyone else is mostly just supporting cast. Also the story hurtles along too fast to take time to develop much of a relationship between David and Lara. A minor irritant was things got a little mixed up between Elvish and Faerie. David is described as an elf, but the world he lives in a called Faerie and definitely had characteristics I associate with Faerie, like seelie and unseelie. Other than that there were lots of twists and turns keeping you guessing about who dun it, and that made for a quick entertaining read. Be prepared for a cliffhanger ending.

What do You think about Tragač Za Istinom (2012)?

1st in a new series. Good story, but not as good as the Old races series.

Started off well, ends up with too much "milk maid of destiny".

It's a cute little urban fairytale, I dig it well enough.

3.5 stars

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