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Read Gods At War: Defeating The Idols That Battle For Your Heart (2013)

Gods at War: Defeating the Idols That Battle for Your Heart (2013)

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031031884X (ISBN13: 9780310318842)

Gods At War: Defeating The Idols That Battle For Your Heart (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

"Gods At War" Breaks down each aspect of daily life. and shows how each can be a "god" we worship. I am not saying that you can't enjoy life, but if you are a Christian you really need to read this. I am far from being perfect no one is. I realized that have/had some Idols that took God's spot on my heart. This book shows how each thing can win over our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. WE CHOOSE to let Idols take over... When we should be laying it all at God's feet. I pray that this book will help more readers like it did me! If someone were to ask you to name all of the Ten Commandments, could you do it? What about the second commandment in particular? The one that says “You shall not make for yourself an idol.” I know I have often overlooked that one because it seems obsolete. No golden calves here, not a one. So, I’m good. Right? WRONG!Idleman points out very clearly that idols come in all shapes and sizes, and he devotes a chapter to each of the main ones that students (and adults) put on the throne of life. The god of entertainment is a good example. Although Idleman makes it clear that watching a little television or spending time playing video games is not a sin, putting these things ahead of God definitely is. Anything can become an idol if it replaces God in your life.In this book, idolatry in its modern form is clearly defined and explained. Age appropriate examples are included. The organization of the book is simple and easy to follow. There are also healthy doses of humor and interesting facts. I highly recommend this book for students. So many things try to lay claim to our hearts, but God and only God can truly fill the void. Anything else is a poor substitute.In accordance with FTC guidelines, please note that I received a free advanced copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

What do You think about Gods At War: Defeating The Idols That Battle For Your Heart (2013)?

This book helped open my eyes. It helped me realize all the things I've been putting before Jesus.

Another great study our girls Bible Study Group just did. Definitely would recommend this one!

One of those great books that convicts and brings you to your knees. Painfully good.

A very eye opening book. One that you read and want everyone else to read too.

Really good book. Makes you think a lot about things in your own life.

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