She breathed slowly, focusing on delving deeply into herself. The familiar scent of her personally made incense gently filled her senses, comforted her even after all this time of having not smelled it in reality at all. Never could she sense the mingled scent of Frankincense, Sandalwood and Myrrh without thinking of these rituals of self-discovery. As she cleared her mind she pushed her conscious mind deeper and deeper within herself. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know the room was filled with the warm, flickering flames of a half dozen thick black candles. She could picture them in her mind’s eye and it gave her further comfort. The familiar scent, the presence of the black candles, her determination to focus, all helped keep her grounded. It reminded her of the fact she was supposed to be focusing on the spell she needed to create to lure their nemesis. Her thoughts skittered away from the vagueness of the traitor and focused once again on Kyle and the spell he was counting on her making.
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