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Read Happy Again

Happy Again

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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Happy Again - Plot & Excerpts

But with the departure of the film’s two stars, the red carpet was now mostly filled with publicists and producers and assistants.“I wish we’d gotten a selfie,” Kara said, spinning around.“Or at least something better than this,” Sprague said, thrusting her phone at them. Ellie leaned close to see a muddled picture of the back of Graham’s head. But even that was enough to make her throat go thick, and she stared at it for a beat too long, blinking fast, still shell-shocked by the nearness of him.“You okay?” Lauren asked, and Ellie realized there were tears in her eyes.“I’m fine,” she said quickly, brushing them away. “Just a little cold.”Once she said it, she realized it was true. It was only September, but with the sun gone, there was a chill in the air, and she rubbed at her bare arms, wishing she were wearing more than just jeans and a T-shirt. She could picture her gray hoodie in the backseat of Sprague’s car, and was annoyed she hadn’t remembered to bring it.“Dinner?”

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