Her heart thundering in her ears, Sorcha eased her way toward the entryway, intending to make her escape. She didn't know where she was when she saw six women preparing a meal. A spitted boar roasted over an open fire and pots of fish soup bubbled over another, making her stomach grumble with hunger. Then one of the women turned, saw Sorcha, and screamed. The other five women whipped around, wide-eyed to see her wielding the knife for protection, none of them making a move. A black-haired man ran into the room, carrying a sword, and when he saw her and the knife she was holding, he advanced on her, backing her into a corner. A tall, thin woman standing with the rest of the women rushed out of the kitchen. Threatening to cut Sorcha if she moved from where she was wedged between a table and a wall, the man effectively blocked her escape from the kitchen. "Where am I?" Sorcha was so confused, she couldn't comprehend where she was. His black eyes narrowed. Towering over her, the man scowled at her every bit as much as she scowled right back at him and didn't answer her.
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