Albert. I arrived there on a Sunday night. By four o’clock on Monday they had me carted around to everything within five miles that they said was worth seeing. I was beat to a salve by the time they was through trying to make me feel welcome. And it didn’t impress me much what I seen. St. Albert is sposed to be a city — a small one, but they calls it a city just the same. Take a newsprint mill, an airport, shopping malls, two arenas, and together with the holy crowd of houses that are there, then you have a city. All that they figured was something to be proud of. It’s okay for them to like it I spose, but to me it wasn’t worth much when I thought of the other places I knew that got none of that and looks to me like better places to be living. I mean, things like a Dairy Queen and two Kentucky Fried Chicken joints don’t mean shag all to me. The food was okay for a change but other than that it was nothing to kick up a fuss over. Sometimes they gave out free plastic banks. Wow!