Ethan nodded when he caught sight of me. I stepped into the foyer just as Darius and the rest of the GP walked into the House, once again in their birdlike V formation. Like members of a dance team, they each had a position to fill, although their routine was much more conniving. As I slipped into the crowd of Cadogan vampires who’d also assembled to greet them, Lacey stepped up to say hello. That’s when the pleasantries began. Ethan had been right; however much I may have hated her, Darius definitely liked Lacey Sheridan. “Lacey,” Darius said, his voice saccharine sweet. He held out his hands and took hers, and they exchanged back-and-forth-and-back European-style cheek kisses. “Sire,” she said deferentially. “You’re looking well,” he said, taking in her perfect black suit. “As are you.” Her gaze traveled down the line of vampires who’d accompanied him, and she made eye contact with each.