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Read Ice Study (2000)

Ice Study (2000)

Online Book

3.97 of 5 Votes: 1
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Ice Study (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The third of the Study short stories and also the best, not only because it revolves around Yelena and Valek but also because it's the most developed of the three.There are a few moments when the villain is explaining his agenda that made my eyebrows shoot skywards in a "whut?!?" movement but I guess with his somewhat delusional world view that was intended.Janco's brief appearance made for a nice little comic relief in the middle of the action.As all the other stories, I'd recommend it to all those who love reading more about the Study world and series! Ice Study was definitely my favourite of all 3 short stories written for the Study series. The reason I enjoyed this short story so much is that it is written from the POV of Valek and Yelena as they work together to stop yet another attempt of evil taking over. Although I find Yelena quite annoying at times by getting into difficult situations that I sometimes find unnecessary, Valek is one of my favourite characters in the series and I really enjoyed reading from this point of view.Although only a short read (I read this in under an hour) it is fun to see a different side to the two strong, well loved characters, and Ice Study gives you a little peek at how brilliant both characters are working side by side.This short story definitely leaves you wanting more, after the adventures of Fire Study, you start to wonder whether Yelena and Valek will ever get a break, and you are left wondering what is in store for them next.

What do You think about Ice Study (2000)?

It was really good. I think Valek is losing his touch to fight and his name as an assassin

Short little story but I've been missing this series and this helped..

filler of 40pag nice but nothing special

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