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Read Study Trilogy Collection: Poison Study, Magic Study, Fire Study (2000)

Study Trilogy Collection: Poison Study, Magic Study, Fire Study (2000)

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1780480733 (ISBN13: 9781780480732)

Study Trilogy Collection: Poison Study, Magic Study, Fire Study (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The first book was great...lots of mystery and a very interesting premise. I was eager to read the second installment, and it was not too disappointing. The final book was a total mess. It kind of sucks when feel like you're trudging through something to get to the end so you can put yourself out of your misery. It seemed like it would never end, there were way too many characters, too many places with weird names and too much traveling back and forth to those places. Also, I liked it the first time Valek called Yelena 'love'...after the four hundredth time I was ready to lose it. Love, I mean, come on, love, the least you can do is think of another pet name, love. The talking horses were a nice touch, though. The study Series, what can i say? it's amazing. Yelana's adventures leave you wanting more, (which you can have with the glass series) i love Maria V. Snyder's world. a great read, if you love fantasy you'll love these. My favourite characters in this series are: Janco,Ari,Moon Man, Lief, Yelena and Valek, i also love Opal who's adventures are told in the glass seriesall in all, a great read. you must read them if you havent already

What do You think about Study Trilogy Collection: Poison Study, Magic Study, Fire Study (2000)?

Loved all of these books!!!! they were awesome!!!! Wouldn't recommend them for boys!

Loved this series. Includes poison. Assassin. Magic. Fire power and ice

Diferente, una historia con un poco de todo, love it! Muy recomendado!

The first one is best but all were quite fun!

liked them, some swearing

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