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Read Spy Glass (2010)

Spy Glass (2010)

Online Book

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0778303918 (ISBN13: 9780778303916)
Mira Books

Spy Glass (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, Glass Series ended.Opal Cowan, ex-glass magician, faces an uncertain future, as she knows that she can regain her magic only if she recovers her stolen blood. But is it that easy? Even with the help of Valek, Ixia's famous assassin, they are pitted against a dangerous enemy with evil intentions. Along the way, Opal makes her choices regarding love and her life.I know it was a bit shocking to see her end up with Devlen, but it makes sense. He knew her and understood her best. He helped her face all her issues. Unlike Kade, he understood her priorities. He stayed with her regardless.The book is well-written, and the descriptions are extremely vivid. Reema and Teegan's characters are impressive, and so is Quinn's and Galen's. The characters are all given life, whether is be Walsh, or Pazia.All in all, a satisfying end to the trilogy. Another epic ending to a trilogy by Maria Snyder, didn't take me long at all to read all of the Study series and then the Glass series, I loved both very much and the ending to this one surprised me big time! to be honest it was a surprise and a let down at first but I ended up loving it anyway! loved all the characters and there was an amazing plot twist that was extremely thrilling! would recommend to anyone! :)

What do You think about Spy Glass (2010)?

This was a good ending to the series. I wonder if there will be any more books in this world.

Just one thing.. How could she pick him?!!?

Not as good as the first book

Read in 2012/2013.

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