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Read IJskoud (2014)

IJskoud (2014)

Online Book

3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
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Zomer & Keuning

IJskoud (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

This was all right. Wasn't my favorite out of everything she's written, but it was still enjoyable to read. There wasn't any real conflict, I thought. At least not anything that could be overcome by actually talking to each other instead of assuming random crap that isn't true. And the two MC's were only okay. They didn't make me fall in love with them, and I only had a passing interest in their HEA. Only an okay read for me, I'm afraid. Jesus H. Christ, the book was amazeballs. I'm making my way through all of JLA's books because I seriously love her writing that much. Thinking this was just another romantic tale of two long time friends who had deeper feelings for one another, I wasn't sure about reading this book. But I figured it was JLA and she's yet to do me wrong, so I gave it a shot. The other readers aren't kidding when they say unputdownable. When I read a book, I normally bookmark the scenes that I like the most so I can go back and read them again later. I think 90% of this book is bookmarked. The relationship between Syd and Kyler is incredibly real, even with the often hard to believe situation of childhood friends becoming lovers. And Kyler is a jerk. Not just a clueless one, but one who knows exactly how bad he behaves and sees no reason to change. That is, until he realizes his best friend might have loved him back all along and he had been leaving the very worst impression possible. Even with the crap behavior, Jennifer's men ALWAYS make me swoon. If she were able to create people in the real world, I'd have her whip me up a boyfriend ASAP. Syd and Kyler's week stranded in a cabin together is one of the most romantic and exciting stories I've read in a long time, with the exception of Daemon and Kat in the Lux series. This book is amazing and surely one I'll be going back to and falling in love with all over again.

What do You think about IJskoud (2014)?

Average for me, and I've loved this author in other series....

I heart Kyler


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