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Read Jako Led (2014)

Jako led (2014)

Online Book

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Jako Led (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Oh my goodness! Started this book about 11:30 p.m. stayed up pasted 5 a.m. woke back up at 8 a.m. fixed my self a cup of coffee and finished it. This book was amazing- it had every element to a good romance novel that kept me on my toes and laughing too.! I recommend any and all books written by Jennifer Lynn Armentrout she is by far one of my favorite authors and is the cause of many of my all night binge read-a-thons. I read her Obsidian (LUX) Series , plan to read her Covenant series and her Wait For You Series (which I got for Christmas and am extremely excited about). 5 stars without a doubt. Never a dual moment within her books! A sweet love story with some wicked turns, Frigid will leave you satisfied. This is a well written romance with fantastically descriptive scenes that will leave you flushed and wanting more. No matter what type of book J. Lynn is writing she packs a punch in the sarcasm department and I LOVE it! The snark and witty come backs leave me smiling and endear her characters to me even more. That being said this isn't your mommas beach read. There's lots of swearing and lots of sex, which I again loved. Sydney has been in love with her best friend for as long as she can remember. The problem is he obviously doesn't return the sentiment if the parade of women walking through his bedroom door is any indication. As Sydney tries to cope with her unrequited feelings and move on the duo end up stuck at his ski cabin during a massive snowstorm. What better time than this to fall into each other, but will Sydney be left high, dry, and heartbroken in the end. To make matters worse strange things seem to be happening around them leading Sydney and Kyler to believe they aren't as alone as they thought and someone is plotting against them.

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Just amazing!

So cute!


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