publicity. It's not going to go away in twenty-four hours. It's going to last us a lifetime if we keep him here. And every time he says a word, or does a deal, it's going to be there, sticking out like a sore thumb. "I can tell you for sure," Hirschfield continued, "that the minute we take him back we'll have no deal with General Cinema. We'll blow a financing and a relationship that is worth tens of millions of dollars to this company. And I can also tell you for sure that we will not do business again with Time Inc. if David Begelman is running our production program. Also, I think you people are underestimating the response of the SEC. This company has to do business in Washington. We have a continuing need to have good relationships with the SEC for getting financings approved, mergers, acquisitions. We're kidding ourselves if we think this isn't going to hurt us. They're on a kick about white-collar crime and aren't about to stand back and watch us reward somebody who has done these things by putting him back in his position.